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Intending Exhibitors are particularly requested to peruse the Rules carefully, and not to enter anything for exhibition unless they are prepared to comply strictly with the Regulations.

  1. Exhibitors accept that the Judges decision is final in all cases.
  2. Any abuse of Judges will not be tolerated. Where a dispute or case for complaint arises, the matter should only be dealt with under 7. below.
  3. Exhibitors should be familiar with The Irish SHows Association Disciplinary Policy as published on our website and annual guidebook.
  4. Winners of Qualifiers are themselves responsible for entering their qualifiers (or exhibits) for the final in accordance with the rules above, within one hour of qualifying.
  5. Winners of qualifiers will compete in the final.
  6. The Irish Shows Association in conjunction with the sponsosr reserve the right to alter or amend the rules of the competition as may be necessary where appropriate.
  7. Shows and competitors must contact the ISA for details of any championships and not the sponsor involved.
  8. Objections must be lodged in writing with the I.S.A. representative at the show and the Show Secretary within half an hour following the completion of judging, together with a fee of €50, or other stated fee, which is refundable in the event of the objection being upheld.
  9. Any exhibitor who makes a false declaration or misrepresents a fact regarding themselves or their exhibit are liable to disqualification and/or forfeiture of any prizes awarded

Important Notice for Animal Owners involved in Showing Animals

The Irish Shows Association would advise all Animal owners to have Insurance cover for their Animal’s; this should include cover whilst showing Animals at Shows. We understand that it costs very little, or nothing depending on whom you have insurance cover with. If you are one of the few who don’t have cover we would advise that you think about putting it in place for this purpose, it may be well worthwhile. The reason for giving you this advice is to protect yourself in the event of your animals lashing out and injuring someone or damaging someone’s property. If that were to happen, and it is established that your animal was out of control, you may be held responsible or partly responsible for any injury or damage caused and may end up paying all, or part of any settlement reached.