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Intending Exhibitors are particularly requested to peruse the Rules carefully, and not to enter anything for exhibition unless they are prepared to comply strictly with the Regulations.
Insurance: It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to insure all property and livestock on the showground or elsewhere which is his/her own, or which he/ she is responsible includes public liability insurance
Welfare / Disease: All exhibitors are asked to be aware of animals on the showground and ensure all exhibits are fit and well. No animal showing signs of injury or illness should be bought to the Show.
Entry Forms, Entries: The necessary printed forms for the entry of Stock etc, will be on application. No entry will be accepted unless it is made on the regular printed form.
Lodging Entries: All certificates of Entry, accurately filled in, in every particular, and signed by the Exhibitor or Agent must be lodged with the Show together with the amount of Entry Fees. Enniscrone Show offer many payment methods, Credit/Debit Card, bank transfer, online, cheque & cash. NO entry will be accepted unless it is accompanied by the full amount of the Fees.
Entry Changes: Reasonable Changes to entries may be accepted on Show Day provided a surcharge of 15% is paid (Min Surcharge €1) and the Class is not already cancelled or closed to additional entries.
Exhibits Not Sent: No refund of entry fees will be made in the case of entries not sent forward for competition, or which are disqualified from competition for failure to comply with the regulations.
Rejection of Entries: The Committee reserve to themselves the right to refuse any Entry without assigning a reason.
Ownership: All animals exhibited at the Show, except where otherwise stated, must be, from the time of entry to the date of the Show, the bona fide property of the Exhibitor in whose name it is entered.
Responsibility: Neither the Show or any of its Officers, Officials or Staff shall be in any way responsible or accountable for anything that may happen (from any cause or circumstances whatever) to Exhibitors or their exhibits or staff. Stall owners are at their own risk and should provide own insurance. The Show will not be responsible for damage.
Protests: Any exhibitor wishing to lodge a protest having reference to exhibits at this Show must obtain from the office and properly fill up and sign a printed form for the purpose, and must deposit therewith a sum of €20, which will be refunded if the protest is sustained or at the discretion of the Committee. Protests must be delivered in writing to the Office half-hour after the incident.
Rejections: The Committee reserves to itself the power to prohibit the exhibition or sale of any animal or to reject or remove any animal or other exhibit, from the Show without being in any way liable for compensation.
Penalties: In case it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Committee that the owner of the exhibit, or any person in his employment, or under his control, has been guilty of any violation of the Rules or Regulations; has made a false statement in the certificate of entry, or substituted another exhibit for that described in the certificate of entry; or has been guilty of any practise calculated to deceive or mislead, or to secure an unfair advantage, the Exhibitor shall be liable to forfeit all prizes, cups, medals etc, awarded at the Show, together with all fees paid, and shall be liable to be prevented from competing at this or any future Show.
In lead classes, it is recommended that the person leading the animal should wear a collar and tie, hacking jacket and breeches or jodhpurs. No child under 12 years of age will be allowed to lead animals in classes or in the parade. (Except Dog Show & Young Handler Classes)
Power of Stewards: The Committee shall be entitled to appoint as many Stewards as they consider necessary at the Show and all such Stewards shall have full power to enforce the Rules and Regulations. The Committee reserves the right to photograph any animal in the Show Grounds.
Interpretation of Conditions: The Show reserves to itself the sole right to interpret these or any prescribed conditions and regulation of Prize Sheets, and to arbitrarily settle and determine all or any matters, questions or difference in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of or connected with an incident to the Show. Also to refuse or to cancel any entries, disqualify Exhibitors, prohibit exhibition of entries, vary or cancel awards of prizes or reserved in numbers, amalgamate classes, and relax conditions as the Committee may deem expedient; and the decision of the Show shall be final in all respects. All exhibitors and persons admitted to the Show Grounds must be subject to the Rules, Orders, and Regulations of the Show.
Powers of Committee: The Committee shall have the power to remove from the Show Grounds the Stock or Property belonging to an Exhibitor who shall infringe any of the Regulations or conditions of the Show, or who shall refuse to comply with any instructions given by the Stewards or Officials, and if in the judgement of the Committee the circumstances justify it, they shall have the power to withhold any prize awarded, and if, in their opinion the Prize ought to be withheld, their determination shall be final and binding on the Exhibitor.
No Exhibitor Whatever shall in any way communicate with a Judge or remain in the Ring or Hall during the judging of a Class in which he/she is an exhibitor, except in charge of an animal and no person shall enter the ring while judging proceeds, except with the Judges, Stewards and those in charge of animals. The owners or exhibitors violating this rule shall be disqualified from receiving a prize. THE TERM ‘RING’ TO APPLY TO THE PLACE IN WHICH A CLASS IS BEING JUDGED.
No Steward shall Attend on the Judges or remain in the judging area during the judging of a Class in which he / she is an exhibitor.
ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE IN THEIR PLACES ON THE SHOW GROUNDS one hour before judging commences. No exhibit will be allowed into grounds without having its Entry Number properly attached.
No Entry Fee returned unless Class is cancelled.
Class and Entry Number tickets must be clearly displayed on all exhibits. This includes the display of numbers by handlers in animal sections.
The committee reserves the right to amalgamate or cancel any classes where insufficient entries are received.
Prizes: Vouchers or product to the value may be given in some classes. It is the aim of the committee to complete prize giving on show day for kids classes, all other prizes will processed after the show. Note 5% ISA levy will be retained for Cattle, Sheep, & Equine Clases
Cups/Trophies: All cups and trophies are Perpetual and remain the property of the donor under the direction of Enniscrone Show. A Perpetual cup or trophy goes on forever and cannot be won outright. Exhibitor will sign for Cups/Trophies and agree to €200 replacement cost if the cup is not returned or damaged.
The Show Society while cataloguing the exhibits will not accept liability for any error in the numbering of exhibits, for any exhibit not being displayed, or loss of, accident or damage to any exhibit.
An exhibitor will not be awarded more than one first prize with the same animal unless where specified the Class is exempt this rule.
No exhibit will be removed from the Show Grounds without permission from the Chief Steward, whose name appears in the Show schedule / Catalogue.
The Society reserves the right to postpone any Show or part thereof, definitely or indefinitely, without incurring any liability to any exhibitor or any other party.
Dogs: Dogs must be kept on leads at all times whilst on showground. Please clean up after your dog.
Manure: Please do not muck out your trailer/horsebox on the showground.
Bins: Please use bins provided for litter.
All cattle must comply with the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine test regulations.
No Steward can officiate in a ring who is an exhibitor or family member of an exhibitor.
Discipline: Any exhibitor found to be intimating judges/stewards will be removed from the Show, not receive any prize money and will also receive a one-year ban from exhibiting at the Enniscrone & District Agricultural & Industrial Show. Please refer to Discipline section from the Irish Shows Association below: